There are many unconventional cooking methods that can elevate your meals if you want to change up your culinary routine and stray from conventional approaches. These techniques can appear out of the ordinary at first, but believe me when I say that they will change your perspective on food and possibly even become your new favorite cooking techniques.

1. Sous Vide
Cooking food in a vacuum-sealed bag immersed in a water bath at a precise, low temperature is known as “sous vide” (French for “under vacuum”). It’s a surefire way to consistently achieve properly cooked meats, fish, and even veggies. All of the natural liquids and flavors are preserved since the food is cooked gently and evenly. It’s revolutionary for creating succulent steaks, flawlessly poached eggs, and smooth, velvety custards, but it does require a sous vide machine, also known as an immersion circulator.

2. Cooking with Salt Blocks
Salt blocks are a great technique to prepare and aren’t just for presenting appetizers. These blocks of Himalayan salt are suitable for searing meats, fish, and vegetables when heated. They give your dish the ideal crispy crust and a delicate, savory flavor. They are also easy to clean because they are naturally antibacterial. A fun method to give your food a distinctive taste and improve presentation is to cook on a salt block.

3. Pressure Cooking
You’re missing out if you haven’t yet discovered the wonders of pressure cooking. Instant Pots and other pressure cookers can significantly cut down on cooking time without sacrificing nutrients and flavors. In a fraction of the time, you can prepare soups, stews, beans, and even desserts without using a cooktop. Everything becomes more tasty and delicate as a result of the pressure forcing liquid into the meal.

4. Smoking with Herbs and Wood Chips
Although smoking meat is a common method, you can achieve amazing flavor depth by utilizing wood chips and herbs in a smoker or grill. Your grilling game can be completely transformed by experimenting with various wood chips (such as cherry, hickory, or mesquite) paired with fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary. No other cooking method can give your meal the smokey, aromatic flavors that this approach does.
Accept these unconventional cooking techniques, and prepare to amaze your palate and advance your culinary abilities to a new level!